Our Mission

At Cooper and Gracie we choose to inspire through mission and our biggest Aim is to truly help make our 10 Million rescues target a reality.
We are a Proud Cruelty Free, Plant Based and Environmentally Aware company that is set up with strong Social and Ethical Influences.
The company began when the Founder and Owner today Craig Roberts, became a first time dog owner of Tilba the Vizsla.
Craig’s Hungarian Vizsla Dog @Tilbathevizsla inspired the movement toward Cruelty Free pet care when Craig couldn't find any truly natural and Cruelty Free Blends designed for pet care.
Tilba struggled with itchy skin from insect bites and pollen and it was affecting her happiness so a cure had to be found.
Cooper and Gracie’s story today is a classic one of an owner just wanting the best for his dog, someone that stumbled upon solving a painful problem for one that now proudly helps many more.
As your reading this i’m presuming your an animal lover of sorts. If you've ever seen your animal in any discomfort you will 100% know where i’m coming from with this. You’ll move mountains to help them. Tilba's itchy painful skin problem was the start of the journey into cruelty free plant based solutions and our 10 Million rescues mission.
It’s amazing that we have got this far from a pure passion of plant based science and one little dog that has ended up helping many more.
Today we are proudly working toward our 10 Million rescues mission and also intent on making pet care a cruelty free zone that protects the environment that so many of us love to enjoy with our animals.
Our lakes, rivers, dogs skin and coat deserve only the very best that nature intended and we believe in this very strongly that things need to change now. The plant based solutions are here and we've proved it.
Thank you for taking time out to read our short story,
It is one built from pure animal love and passion for the environment and we are truly humbled to be able to serve you today.
Come join us today and with every sale we will support a rescue animal in need. Together we can make a difference.