Top Tips to Get Your Home Ready for Christmas - Cooper & Gracie™ Limited

With Christmas just around the corner, you may have started preparing for the festivities. From buying gifts to organising food and inviting guests, there’s a lot to prep for the perfect Christmas. But have you started getting your home ready? Cleaning your house might be the last thing on your mind, but it’s never been more important during our first post-lockdown Christmas.

We’ve explored our top tips for getting your home guest-ready for Christmas, along with our favourite products for eco-friendly and chemical-free cleaning.

Declutter to Make Space

Decluttering your home doesn’t just make it easier to clean. Donating and recycling unwanted items will make room for new gifts, particularly in a home with children. Set aside an afternoon and get the whole family involved for a tidier, clutter-free home.

Keep Floors Clean

Save time by keeping on top of your cleaning in the run-up to Christmas. Give carpets a much needed deep clean with our pet-friendly carpet cleaner to keep your home smelling fresher for longer. Sweep hard floors regularly to remove dirt, and mop weekly with our organic floor cleaner to cut through stubborn dirt and grime.

cat walking on carpet with hoover and feet

Eliminate Bacteria

With guests coming and going throughout the festive period, anti-bacterial cleaning is more important than ever. Our anti-bacterial multi-surface cleaner is 100% natural to kill 99.9% of germs without harsh chemicals. Use it throughout the home to keep your family safe from the spread of bacteria.

Wipe Bathrooms Daily

A clean bathroom is a must any time of year. Wiping down surfaces daily will prevent dirt, grime and limescale build-up. Our natural bathroom cleaner is ideal for everyday use or deep cleaning. The plant-based formula cleans all bathroom surfaces, including toilets, baths and showers, leaving a fresh, zesty scent.

Ensure a Streak-Free Shine

Clean windows can make your home more inviting, letting in light and creating a warmer feel. Our natural window cleaner cuts through dirt and grime without the nasty chemical smell. You can also use it to spruce up dusty mirrors and polish your stainless steel for a beautiful, streak-free shine.

Freshen up Furnishings

Despite cleaning, odours can linger in soft furnishings, upholstery and bedding. Machine wash any throws, blankets and cushion covers to keep them fresh. Use our bed and mattress freshener throughout the home to freshen up bedding and other soft furnishings between washes. The wonderful lavender and chamomile fragrance controls odours instantly and even promotes calmness.

Create a Cosy Feel

white christmas candles and vase in white room

Add the finishing touches to your home to get you in the Christmas spirit. Festive candles, soft cushions and fluffy throws all create a cosy feel. Don’t forget to add a festive twist to bedrooms too, especially for children and visitors to make them feel special.

Get your home ready for Christmas with our 100% natural and eco-friendly household cleaning range.