Ideas to keep your dog entertained at home in Lockdown.
Most dog breeds enjoy at least two long walks a day if they are active. Dog walks don’t just keep your dog fit, healthy and their mind simulated but also you, the owner.
Our lives have dramatically changed in a very short space of time due to COVID-19 and our dogs are none the wiser, probably wondering why we’ve all become so inactive and not taking them out as much as usual.

We need to keep our dogs' minds stimulated when unable to go out on a regular basis. That’s why we’ve put together some fun ideas to keep your dog (and you) entertained through these difficult and unprecedented times.
Plan a Scavenger Hunt
Dogs love to wander around the perimeter (usually the kitchen) where food sometimes drops off the counter. Dogs can revisit the same spot up to 20 times in one hour just to see if anything else has fallen from the sky.

If you hide small amounts of treats in safe places around the house, it not only stimulates your dog to find the treats initially but they will revisit that area over and over again ‘just in case’ anything else has appeared by magic. This game can keep your dog interested and engaged for hours, and it doesn't require too much effort to set up.
Make Homemade Dog Treats
Homemade treats for your dog are inexpensive, usually a lot healthier because you know what is going into them and also lots of fun for the whole family to get involved in making and baking.

We can assure you, your dog will be by your side the entire time you are making and baking them, and this will be great for their appetite and concentration.
We found a great Homemade Peanut Butter Dog Treat recipe by Damn
You may want to give this a go at home…
Pamper Session
All dogs love affection and most enjoy being groomed. When using plant-based products you can make sure your pampered pooch enjoys every minute without being irritated by nasty chemicals. Start with a nice bath, lather up some flea protection shampoo. Complete bath time with a nice spray of our anti bac spray for added protection, then massage in some relaxing paw and nose balm. If you really want to treat your fur baby, pop a few drops of our hemp calming oil on their chest for the ultimate grooming and calming experience.

Ask The Kids To Read A Short Story To Your Dog
Not only will your dog love it and probably fall asleep listening, but it’s also a great confidence booster for your kids. Reading to dogs has been proven to help kids develop literacy skills, through both the calming effect the dogs' presence has on children and the fact that the dog will listen to the children read without being judgemental or critical.

Learn Some Easy Dog Tricks
Fun for both dog and owner, learning some new tricks at home can be a great way to bond with your dog. From high-five to play dead we found a great educational blog over at ‘Clever Puppy Training’ to help you get started. Click here for the link...

Dog TV
If you have YouTube or Netflix let your dog chillout to some fellow pooches on the TV screen. Some great episodes for your dog to watch are; agility, tricks and playtime. Just make sure they don’t hog the remote for too long or you may not see it again…