Why is My Dog Chewing His Paws?


Ever watched your furry friend constantly gnawing at his paws and wondered, "Why on earth is he doing that?" Well, you're not alone. Many dog owners have asked this question, scratching their heads in confusion. But don't fret! Let's dive into some common reasons and solutions.

Common Reasons Behind Paw Chewing


Just like humans, dogs can develop allergies too. It might be a reaction to a certain food, environmental factors like pollen, or even household cleaners. These allergies can make their paws itchy, leading them to chew for relief.

Skin Infections

Skin infections, often caused by bacteria or fungi, can make a dog's paws itchy and inflamed. Remember, moist and warm areas (like the spaces between their toes) are breeding grounds for these microorganisms.

Dry Skin

Dry or cracked paws can be itchy. Factors like cold weather, over-washing, or even some dog soaps which contain artificial ingredients can lead to dry skin.


Fleas, ticks, and mites? Oh my! These tiny critters can cause immense discomfort for your pooch. They often bite or burrow into the skin, causing itchiness.

Pain and Injury

A thorn stuck in the paw, a small cut, or even arthritis can cause pain, leading your dog to chew at the affected area.

Psychological Factors


Think of it this way: when you're bored, you might bite your nails. Similarly, dogs might chew their paws. Lack of physical activity or stimulation can lead to this behaviour.


Ever felt the need to fidget when you're anxious? Dogs are no different. They might chew their paws as a coping mechanism.

Compulsive Behaviour

Sometimes, the act of paw chewing can become a habit or even a compulsive behaviour. It might start due to one of the reasons listed above but continue even after the issue has been addressed.

Preventing and Treating Paw Chewing

Veterinarian Visits

If you're unsure about the cause, always consult a vet. They can provide a diagnosis and the necessary treatment.

Cooper & Gracie's Dog Paw and Nose Balm

When it comes to providing tender loving care for your dog's paws and nose, Cooper & Gracie's Dog Paw and Nose Balm stands out. Made entirely from natural ingredients, this balm promises not only to soothe but also to nourish cracked and itchy skin. What sets it apart? Its rich blend of essential oils, which includes chamomile, coconut, and aloe vera - all known for their nourishing properties. The balm is devoid of any harmful chemicals and toxins, making it safe for both puppies and adult dogs.

Beyond merely being a moisturiser, the balm serves as a protective shield for your canine companion. Whether it's the harsh salts on the roads, the scorching sands of the beach, or the icy pavements in winter, this balm has your dog covered. It creates a barrier that locks in moisture while shielding the paws and nose from external irritants. And for those worried about messy applications, fear not! This balm is easy to apply, absorbs swiftly, ensuring it’s non-slip and prevents any excessive licking.

So, if you're gearing up for a new adventure with your furry friend or merely wanting to ensure their comfort at home, Cooper & Gracie's Dog Paw and Nose Balm is a must-have in your dog’s first aid kit.

Home Remedies

Soothing balms, oatmeal baths, and coconut oil can help relieve itchiness and moisturise paws.

Toys and Distractions

Keep your dog engaged with toys, puzzles, and regular exercise. A tired dog is a happy dog, after all!


While paw chewing might seem like a quirky dog behaviour, it's essential to understand the underlying causes. Whether it's a physical ailment or psychological distress, addressing the root cause is the key to a happier, healthier pooch. Remember, always consult a vet if you're in doubt.


  1. Can dietary changes help with my dog's paw chewing?
    Yes, sometimes food allergies can be the culprit. Consult with a vet to determine if a dietary change is necessary.

  2. How do I know if it's a behavioural issue or a health issue?
    If the paw chewing persists even after trying various remedies or if there are other accompanying symptoms, it might be a health issue. A vet can provide clarity.

  3. Are there any specific breeds prone to paw chewing?
    While any dog can chew their paws, some breeds with known skin issues or allergies might be more prone.

  4. How can I protect my dog's paws during winter?
    Dog boots, moisturising balms, and limiting exposure to cold surfaces can help.

  5. Should I use over-the-counter medicines for itch relief?
    Always consult a vet before administering any medication to ensure safety.

Unleash the Best Care for Your Furry Friend with Cooper & Gracie

At Cooper & Gracie, we deeply understand the bond you share with your canine companion. It's not just about pet ownership; it's a journey filled with love, care, and countless memories. Our range of products, crafted with 100% natural ingredients, stands testament to our commitment to ensuring your pet's well-being. From our acclaimed Dog Paw and Nose Balm to other tailored pet solutions, we believe in delivering only the best for your four-legged family member. Join our community of pet lovers and give your dog the premium care they truly deserve. Dive into a world where love for pets translates to quality and trust. Visit Cooper & Gracie today, because your dog deserves nothing but the best.

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