Why Aren't My Chickens Laying Eggs?

Why Aren't My Chickens Laying Eggs?


The Problem: When Chickens Stop Laying Eggs

Have you ever stared at an empty nest box and wondered, "Why on Earth aren't my chickens laying eggs?" You're not alone. A drop in egg production is a common issue that many poultry owners face at some point.

Importance of Understanding the Causes

Getting to the root of the problem is crucial. After all, the happiness and productivity of your chickens are at stake. Plus, let's be honest, we all miss those farm-fresh eggs, don't we?

Common Causes for Chickens Not Laying Eggs

Environmental Factors

Lighting Conditions

Adequate lighting isn't just a luxury; it's a necessity for your chickens' well-being and egg-laying capacity. Chickens are sensitive to light, and their internal biological clocks need around 14-16 hours of light each day for consistent egg production. This doesn't necessarily mean blinding your chickens with glaring lights; natural light works just fine. However, during winter or shorter days, supplementing with artificial light can be beneficial. A solar timer can be a handy investment, ensuring that your flock gets the right amount of light all year round. The objective is to simulate natural conditions as closely as possible to encourage regular laying patterns.

Weather Changes

When it comes to egg-laying, weather conditions can be a real game-changer for your flock. Chickens are not big fans of extreme temperatures—be it scorching heat or freezing cold. In hot conditions, they expend energy trying to cool down; in the cold, they use more energy to keep warm. Both scenarios leave them with less energy for egg production.

You may have heard the phrase, "An unhappy chicken is an unproductive chicken." This is more than just a catchy saying; it's a farming truth. Chickens that are too cold may huddle together for warmth, foregoing laying entirely. In hot conditions, they may seek shade and drink more water to cool off, which again, distracts from egg-laying. Providing a climate-controlled environment, including adequate ventilation, shade, and possibly even heat lamps for colder months, can go a long way in stabilising your chickens' egg production.

Nutritional Causes

Diet Imbalance: Protein & Calcium

When it comes to laying eggs, what your chickens eat matters—a lot. Chickens require a balanced diet that's rich in both protein and calcium to sustain regular egg production. Protein is the building block of feathers, muscles, and yes, eggs. Calcium, on the other hand, is vital for the development of strong eggshells. A deficiency in either of these nutrients can have a drastic impact on egg production.

To ensure your chickens get the nutrients they need, opt for high-quality poultry feed that is specifically designed for laying hens. These feeds usually contain a balanced mix of protein, calcium, and other essential nutrients. Additionally, offering treats like crushed oyster shells can supplement calcium intake. Remember, chickens are what they eat, and a balanced diet is the first step to a basket full of fresh eggs.

Lack of Water

Water isn't just an add-on; it's an essential component for your chickens' well-being and productivity. Think of water as the petrol that fuels your chicken's biological engine. Without adequate hydration, metabolic processes slow down, leading to lethargy, poor health, and yes, a significant dip in egg production. A chicken can survive longer without food than it can without water.

Ensuring a consistent supply of clean, fresh water is a non-negotiable aspect of chicken care. Dehydrated chickens not only stop laying eggs but can also suffer from health problems that may affect the entire flock. Install multiple water stations if necessary, and in hot conditions, check water levels multiple times a day. A hydrated chicken is a happy, egg-laying chicken.

Health Concerns

Illness: A Natural Energy Saver

Chickens, like all animals, have an innate survival instinct. When they're ill, their bodies go into a sort of 'energy-saving mode,' prioritising essential functions over egg-laying. Illnesses such as respiratory infections, parasites, or even bacterial diseases can drastically reduce a chicken's ability to lay eggs. The chicken's body wisely decides to allocate its limited resources to fight off illness rather than spending energy on egg production.

If you notice a sudden drop in egg-laying alongside other signs of illness like lethargy, changes in droppings, or laboured breathing, it's best to consult a veterinarian. Timely medical intervention can not only save your chicken but also prevent the spread of disease within the flock.

Stress: The Egg-Laying Deterrent

Stress is as much an enemy to chickens as it is to humans. When chickens experience stress, it triggers a hormonal imbalance that can severely disrupt their egg-laying routine. Various factors can stress out your chickens. Changes in the flock composition, introduction of new birds, or the loss of a flock member can all create a tense environment.

Predators are another significant source of stress. Even if a predator doesn't get to the chickens, their mere presence or scent can cause lingering stress among the flock. Noisy environments, be it loud music, construction work, or even frequent visits by pets, can also lead to stress.

Managing stress involves creating a stable, safe, and quiet environment for your chickens. Provide secure housing, consider installing predator deterrents, and try to maintain a consistent daily routine. A calm chicken is a productive chicken, so taking steps to reduce stress can pay off in more ways than one—namely, more eggs in your basket.

Behavioural Factors

Broodiness: The Maternal Instinct

Broodiness is a fascinating yet often frustrating behavioural trait in chickens, especially if you're keen on a regular egg supply. A broody hen has only one thing on her mind: to hatch eggs and raise chicks. During this phase, she will sit on her eggs—fertile or not—and may even start hoarding others' eggs, forsaking the act of laying new ones.

Some breeds are more prone to broodiness than others. Silkies, Cochins, and Orpingtons are infamous for their strong maternal instincts. If you find yourself dealing with a broody hen and you're not interested in hatching chicks, you'll need to 'break' her broodiness by separating her from the nest and encouraging her to rejoin the flock.

Age: The Lifecycle Factor

When it comes to egg-laying, age is more than just a number—it's a telling indicator of a hen's productivity. Young pullets, or hens less than a year old, may lay sporadically as their bodies are still adjusting to the egg-laying process. They're the 'teenagers' of the chicken world, testing the waters before they dive into full-fledged adulthood.

On the flip side, older hens, generally over 5 years old, experience a natural decline in egg production. Think of them as the seniors of the chicken community, stepping back from their once robust laying schedules. While they might not churn out eggs like they used to, older hens can still contribute to the flock dynamics in other ways.

Understanding the age of your chickens and adjusting your expectations accordingly can help you manage your flock more effectively. Sometimes, fewer eggs aren't a sign of a problem; they're just a natural part of your chicken's lifecycle.

How to Address Each Cause

Adjusting the Environment: Light and Shade

If you've identified lighting as a potential issue affecting your chickens' egg production, there are practical steps you can take. Installing artificial lighting can help supplement the natural light, especially during the shorter days of winter. On the flip side, during hot, sunny days, providing adequate shade can make a world of difference. Chickens don't like extreme conditions, and some well-placed shades can offer a much-needed respite, encouraging more consistent laying.

Nutritional Remedies: The Right Food and Water

A simple switch in diet can sometimes work wonders for your chickens' egg-laying capabilities. If you suspect that nutritional deficiencies are at play, opt for a high-protein and high-calcium diet specifically designed for laying hens. Always ensure that fresh water is readily available. A hydrated chicken is a happy chicken, and happy chickens lay more eggs. Simple as that.

Treating Health Concerns: Veterinary Intervention

If you've noticed other signs of ill health in your flock along with a decrease in egg production, don't hesitate to consult a vet. Proper diagnosis and treatment can solve the problem at its root, allowing your chickens to get back to what they do best—laying eggs. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, as they say.

Modifying Behaviour: Dealing with Broodiness

Broodiness can throw a wrench in your egg production plans. To discourage a broody hen, you might need to remove nesting material, forcing her to abandon her maternal ambitions. In more persistent cases, isolating the broody hen from the flock for a few days can break her out of the broody cycle. Once her hormones have settled, she'll usually return to laying eggs.

By identifying the issues affecting your flock and taking targeted action, you can improve both the well-being of your chickens and your egg yield. A little knowledge and some proactive management can go a long way.

Preventative Measures

Monitoring: An Ounce of Prevention

The cornerstone of effective flock management is regular observation. Keep an eye on your chickens' behaviour, laying patterns, and general health to spot any issues before they escalate. Are they active? Do they appear stressed? How's their feather condition? The answers to these questions can provide valuable clues about potential problems affecting egg production. Early identification usually translates to easier solutions, so make it a habit to check on your flock daily.

Proper Nutrition: A Consistent Commitment

Proper nutrition is not a one-off endeavour but a long-term commitment. Make sure your chickens consistently receive a balanced diet rich in essential nutrients, like protein and calcium. Also, provide fresh, clean water at all times. A well-fed and hydrated chicken is less likely to face nutritional deficiencies that can hamper egg production. Periodically assess the quality of the food and water supplies to ensure they meet the flock's needs.

Vet Check-ups: Preventive Measures

While it's good to be vigilant yourself, there's no substitute for professional veterinary advice. Regular vet visits can offer an additional layer of protection for your flock, helping to identify and treat any health concerns before they have a chance to affect egg production. Think of these check-ups as your flock's routine medical exams—essential for long-term health and productivity.

By integrating these practices into your daily routine, you're not just maximising egg production; you're also contributing to the overall well-being of your flock. A proactive approach is always better than a reactive one, especially when it comes to the health and productivity of your chickens.


Understanding why your chickens aren't laying eggs involves considering various factors from environmental conditions to health concerns. Once you identify the root cause, taking corrective measures becomes easier and more effective.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How long do chickens typically lay eggs?

    • Chickens generally start laying eggs from 5-6 months old and can continue for several years.
  2. Do chickens lay eggs in the winter?

    • Egg production can decrease in the winter due to fewer daylight hours.
  3. Is it normal for egg production to fluctuate?

    • Yes, minor fluctuations are normal and can be due to various factors like age or minor stress.
  4. What is the best chicken feed for laying hens?

    • Opt for feeds that are high in protein and calcium to support egg production.
  5. How can I reduce stress in my chicken flock?

    • Provide a stable environment, keep predators away, and maintain a consistent feeding routine.

Give Your Chickens the Care They Deserve with Cooper and Gracie's Premium Products

We've talked about why your chickens might not be laying eggs and how to troubleshoot the issue. But let's get down to the brass tacks here: quality care starts with quality products. That's where Cooper and Gracie come into play. Specialising in cruelty-free, eco-friendly care products for pets and livestock, Cooper and Gracie offer a range of items that could very well be the game-changer for your flock. From specialised mite and lice sprays to premium poultry house disinfectants, Cooper & Gracie offers an extensive range of products designed to keep your chickens in peak health. Say goodbye to parasites and hello to a cleaner, more hygienic living environment for your flock. With Cooper & Gracie, you've got all you need to ensure your chickens are not just surviving, but thriving. Click here to explore Cooper and Gracie's unrivalled product range and take the first step toward happier, more productive chickens. Trust us, your feathered friends will thank you.

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