A puppy smiling

How to Stop Puppy Biting

Understanding Puppy Biting

Remember the thrill of bringing home a playful and curious puppy? Ah, the joy of witnessing their first steps and innocent antics. However, there's this one habit that might get under your skin - biting. Don't they seem to love gnawing at everything in sight?

Why do puppies bite?

It's like babies discovering the world through their mouths, right? Puppies use their mouths to explore. It's an instinct. They are learning about textures, tastes, and their strength. Imagine if you could only explore the world with your hands tied? You'd probably resort to your mouth too!

The role of teething

Remember the agony of teething when your younger sibling or a cousin went through it? Well, puppies aren't exempt. Between 3 and 7 months of age, they lose their baby teeth, and adult ones start coming in. It's uncomfortable, and biting helps soothe the discomfort.

Training Your Puppy Not to Bite

The importance of consistency

You wouldn't allow your child to have ice cream before dinner every day, would you? Similarly, consistency is key. If biting is a no-no, then it's a no-no every single time. Mixing messages will only confuse your pup.

Positive reinforcement techniques

Have you ever been more motivated by a reward than a reprimand? Puppies are no different. Praise them when they play without biting, maybe even offer a treat. A pat or a 'Good boy/girl' can work wonders.

Utilising toys and distractions

You wouldn't expect a child to sit still without toys, right? For puppies, toys can be a saviour. Chew toys not only keep them entertained but also channel their biting tendencies to something more appropriate.

Addressing Biting Triggers

Recognising signs of overstimulation

Ever felt so overwhelmed that you just wanted to scream? Puppies might resort to biting. Look for signs like growling, rigid body, or even pinned ears. Just like you'd need a moment of peace, maybe it's time for a puppy time-out.

Managing playtime and excitement

Remember how hyper you'd get after too many sweets? Overexcitement can lead to biting. Calm and controlled play is the key. If you see the play getting too rough, time for a break!

Safety Measures and Precautions

Handling severe cases

There's mischievous biting and then there's aggressive biting. If your puppy is showing signs of aggression, it's a different ball game. This isn't about play; it might be fear or dominance.

When to seek professional help

Wouldn't you consult a doctor if home remedies didn't work? Similarly, if you're trying everything and your puppy is still biting aggressively, maybe it's time to see a dog behaviourist.

Tips for Daily Routine

Providing adequate exercise

You know how you feel restless if you're cooped up inside for too long? Puppies have energy to burn. Regular exercise can help them be calmer and reduce biting out of sheer boredom.

Structured feeding times

Isn't routine comforting? Knowing what comes next is soothing. Similarly, structured feeding times can make a puppy feel secure, reducing anxiety-induced biting.

Avoiding aggressive play

Playing cops and robbers was fun, but did it ever get too real and someone ended up crying? Avoid games that encourage biting like 'tug-of-war'. Stick to fetch or hide and seek.


At the end of the day, puppies are just babies in fur coats. With patience, consistency, and love, you can guide them away from biting and towards being the perfect furry companion. Remember, every dog - even the well-behaved ones - went through the biting phase. Yours will get past it too!


  1. Why does my puppy bite me and not others?

    • Puppies often bite those they are most comfortable with, much like children act out with their parents.
  2. How long does the biting phase last?

    • It varies, but usually, by 7-8 months, with proper training, the intense biting phase should decrease.
  3. Can old dogs be trained not to bite?

    • As the saying goes, you can't teach an old dog new tricks (which isn't true!). But with patience and the right techniques, you can certainly reduce biting tendencies.
  4. Do muzzles help in training against biting?

    • Muzzles can be a temporary solution, but they don't address the root cause. It's better to understand the 'why' behind the biting.
  5. Are certain breeds more prone to biting?

    • While some breeds have a reputation, it's more about individual temperament and training than the breed itself.

Give Your Pup the Best with Cooper & Gracie!

In our quest to train our furry friends, providing them with quality, natural products is paramount. At Cooper & Gracie, we understand the unique bond between you and your pet. Our commitment is to ensure that bond grows stronger, ensuring your puppy thrives in a safe, organic, and loving environment. From cruelty-free grooming products to organic health remedies, we ensure only the best for your precious pup. After all, if you're investing time in training them, why not also invest in their well-being? Make the smart choice today and let your pet experience the unparalleled love and care that only Cooper & Gracie can provide. Dive into our range now, because they deserve nothing less than the best!